In the heart of the small town of Kemmerer, Wyoming, lies a hidden gem: the annual Oyster Ridge Music Festival. Tasked with reimagining this beloved event, I embarked on a journey to infuse it with a fresh new theme. My mission encompassed revitalizing the festival's digital presence, creating updated t-shirt designs to match this years theme, and designing a suite of marketing materials from flyers and social media posts to billboards. Central to this endeavor was the complete overhaul of the festival's website. Leveraging the power of HubSpot, I spearheaded a comprehensive website redesign, integrating updated branding and essential information to ensure a seamless user experience across every page. With little experience with HubSpot, I was able to successfully teach myself how to navigate the website building software.
Being held in a quaint Wyoming town and appealing to a broad audience spanning different age groups, I aimed to craft an art direction that captured the essence of the Oyster Ridge Music Festival. Beginning with a vibrant yet neutral color palette, I drew inspiration from my childhood camping experiences, incorporating playful graphic elements like tents and trees and pairing these with a Western-style font. When translating this design to the web, my familiarity with HubSpot allowed me to maintain the bold aesthetic while ensuring compatibility across different viewing platforms.